Our Brand


Be the Change

My Urban Alley provides an opportunity for consumers to feel more comfortable about purchasing second hand and to help remove the stigma around wearing, using, and gifting used items.


The joy of dressing is an art.

- John Galliano


it's not about brand, it's about style

- Unknown


Real style is never right or wrong. It's a matter of being yourself on purpose

- Unknown


Consumer demand can revolutionize the way fashion works as an industry. If everyone started to question the way we consume, we would see a radically different fashion paradigm

- Carry Sommers, Cofounder of Fashion Revolution


Buy less. Choose well. Make it last.

- Vivienne Westwood

Shape the World

My Urban Alley wants to help shape the kind of world we want to live in; creating a more conscious consumer by encouraging second hand purchases and by borrowing and sharing more. How we spend our money shapes the world we live in.

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